1) a person sexualy attracted to minors, but has not necessarily acted on this attraction.
2) term coined by anti-LGBT 4chan users who wished to create a PsyOp introducing pedosexuals as part of the LGBT communities through #lgbtp. It was intended to create bad PR and somehow prove that all those in a sexuality other than heterosexual were somehow child molesters.
1) John started going to therapy because he realized he was attracted to children and might be a pedosexual.

2) person1: did you hear the gays are supporting pedosexuals now?! I can't believe it, how disgusting!

Person2: don't believe it because it's not true. That's just 4chan hate propaganda, do your research.
by Antihate99 March 30, 2019
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Much like the LGBT, its a gender sexual oriented thing like being pansexual etc but pedosexual is an older adult being sexually attracted to a younger child.
Paul: yo I identify myself as pedosexual
Bob: what the fuck? so you're a pedophile?
Paul: stop being such a bigot, bob!
by Indefinite chode June 22, 2018
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Also known to normalize the sexual abuse an adult gives to a child.

People that identify with Pedosexuality have been known to fight to be apart of the LGBT+ community and instead become the LGBTP+ community.
"I Identify as beening Pedosexual , and I want to be apart of the LBGT+ community"
by Chillasf February 11, 2018
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A sexual fetish towards feet

(Note: Pedosexualiy is different to paedosexualiy, the latter meaning a sexual fetish towards children)
Is the increase in pictures of famous people's feet on magazine covers caused by an increase in pedosexuality amongst the population?
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An unofficial word for a sexual orientation involving under age kids specifically those with no signs of puberty. The word is trying to become officialized by pedohilic and transage activists as a way to justify their sexual desires and to even one day legalize pedophilia.
I know he’s pedosexual but I feel like that’s just a creepy way of saying pedophile.
by CuteLilTato November 21, 2017
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A euphemistic way of saying pedophile to justify the vile actions of a child molester.
"Hi, I'm Lester the molester and I identify as a pedosexual. LGBTQ+ FTW!"
by Rotten Turkey May 23, 2021
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