Having bowel movement during or after anal sex
While having anal sex with here, when I pulled out he painted all over me!!!
by exocomp February 4, 2018
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When a man unleashes a massive load of cum on an unsuspecting girl and her face is completely covered.
I haven't had sex in weeks, that bitch Megan is totally going to get her face painted tonight.
by John Killer July 21, 2008
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computer program with no use other than giving bored people something to do or giving people the ability to cut out the right hand side of a picture in less than ten seconds.
/hey look at that picture!/ 'Yeah, I did a paint job on it'
by missdj February 11, 2011
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Chuck: "Damn I forgot about my junior paper!...its due tommorow!"

Alfred: "That's sad dude, yo ass in the paint foreal"
by Terrance D February 14, 2008
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The residue from eating junk food which can stain the hands or clothing causing a paint-like appearance on these surfaces.
Jeffrey states after a round of Cheetoes, "Hey, what are you playing, Counter-Strike?"
George replies, "Yeah, and don't touch me, you got paint all over your finger tips."
by iLL iZZY April 6, 2008
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Also known as Mary Jane, Chronic, Fire, Reefer, Cheeba, Green, Dirt, Skunk, Smoke, Bud, Herb, Smokey Treat...
I got to go hit up Mr. Green Jeans and grab another couple gallons of paint.
by b miller September 30, 2006
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