Another name for a homosexual male.
It wasn't correct to call him a turd packer, as he is straight.
by Anonymous September 30, 2003
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Everyone’s favorite jerk/pervert from The Office. He has a bad influence on Michael Scott, who loves him. However, everyone else is still salty at him for lacing their cupcakes
Todd Packer! Stop humping Michael while he’s under the desk!
by Owuhpug July 6, 2018
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A person(s) who packs things in their ass like a fanny pack
Pretty sure that guy Bobby is a fanny packer
by Theslippyone November 19, 2017
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One who engages in nasal sex by sticking his penis into another's nostril.
That orangutan is a snot packer. I feel bad for his mate's nasal passage.
by Cheshirelynx July 31, 2012
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A derogatory or joking term used by homosexuals that refers to heterosexuals, especially heterosexual men. Literally, it refers to the act of coitus where a penis pushes back a woman's ovaries, or eggs. The term mocks the connotation of a slang term for homosexuals, fudge packer. Egg packer is akin to breeder, also referring to heterosexuals.
Gay guy 1: Where do you think that hotty's off to?
Gay guy 2: Knowing our luck, I'd say to see his ho.
Gay guy 1: (Sigh) Silly egg packer. Will they ever learn?
by gndhs December 21, 2006
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a guy that loves to have anal sex with people, usually guys.
He's cute but a total shit packer, girlfriend. Fly, if your into that sort of thing.
by Demicci D. Dior-Britt October 18, 2007
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