When a person of African American or mixed African American decent acts ghetto
"I could not shut up at that the movies last night. I totally blacked out."
by Pro-semite April 14, 2015
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To fall asleep inadvertently, especially when one intends to do something else (such as to work or study).
I would have been finished with the essay due for my English paper, but I blacked out at 7:30 (PM) and just woke up (it's 11:30 PM). I guess I'll have to pull an all-nighter. I hope I don't black out again this evening.
by an elite October 20, 2009
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When a female leaves a scoial establishment of any kind with at least one black man--and you just know she'll be hurting tomorrow.
Don't look now but Jess is blacking out.
by el sean o March 23, 2009
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To black-out is to profess your admiration for a girl, only to reject her advances at that crucial moment. To forgo "sealing the deal". The art of being a poser, but not a closer.
Guy 1 - "Hey dude, I almost scored with that girl last night"
Guy 2 - "Yeah bro, we could have totally eiffel towered her if you didn't black-out"
Guy 3 - "You're such a pussy"
Guy 2 - "Next time you black-out, don't drop your gay card"
by ubu5 November 10, 2008
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When you come out of yourself and curse someone out. You curse them out so bad that you can't control yourself because you are outside of your body watching yourself.
My husband made me mad so I had to black out on him. I cursed him so bad and I am watching myself from outside my body seeing me blacking out on him.
by Tamie January 19, 2008
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(Verb) To be a white male, speaking normally amongst other white people, but suddenly slipping into the natural tone of ebonics in the presence of african americans.
"Well, Lewis just blacked out again"
by tonto goldstein June 22, 2006
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when it is dark
it urened the lights off and there was a black out
by Anonymous August 30, 2003
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