IMO and in many, the best Canadian rapper. Breaking away from the treachery of commercial hip hop and money making artistry, he excels the art to a form that is most earthly, and real. He can bring heavy NY sounding hip hop in one track, then soulful guitar (played by him) blues in another. A true artist in a world of few.
Joyful Rebellion
(His two albums)
by LibD March 18, 2005
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Came before Vista.

Irritating Fanboys and silly marketing campaigns (albeit now Microsoft have emulated them too- see the pattern here?) cloud its actual benefits, but its largely used for its creative capabilities. And when I say, "capabilities" I mean Logic and Final Cut work only on OS X, Industry-standard programs.

A 'true' user of OS X is generally quite irritated and bemused by fanboys and marketing campaigns and couldn't careless what OS you use or how much money he/she paid for it, because it works for them and they are rather pleased no one bothers making Virus' for their OS.
Apple Fanboy: "lolololol OS X is sooo cooool and I liek it lots I can make coooool beats and moovies lol and adverts!!11!!"

Microsoft Fanboy: "yeeeeah lololol youre sooo ghey I can play videogames lolo and DOS websites, gg n00b"

"True OS X user" : "So I've got a job and get laid regularly. Both of you Sod off"
by AnonOSXuser January 6, 2009
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1. symbols used to represent sports players on a chart

2. hugs and kisses
The Xs and Os looked a bit disorganized to me.
by The Return Of Light Joker October 27, 2007
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Person 1: Linux sucks
Person 2: I use elementary OS
Person 1: Oh
by justarandomduck July 5, 2011
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A stable 32 bit Operating System developed by IBM that nobody uses anymore.
by w00tw00t April 6, 2003
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Continuation of CyanogenMod, Lineage OS is based on Stock Android, runs on a variety of devices, and has many unique features. It is also the basis of other ROMs such as Resurrection Remix and Paranoid Android.
I just installed Lineage OS on my Galaxy S5 and got freed from the confines of TouchWiz.
by superuser1337 March 9, 2017
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My twist and take on this shitty ass game where I cannot get imposter every round.
John: Hey dude wanna play that new game called Amung os?
Joseph: O hell naw shid I don't be gettin imposter so what is the point?
John: yur so right Joseph
by itookashitonyamum November 17, 2020
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