Eunice hired a dirigible to advertise her tupperware party, only to have her husband dismiss her efforts in a blatant act of treachery by saying "my evite was better."
by NathanielSnerpus October 29, 2009
(v) The act of going to a public restroom in New York, sitting directly down on the toilet with your pants on, and take a fat one in your pants.
by Bobda_sheep April 16, 2021
by PDDestro December 31, 2011
chains of treasonable breaking of trust and confidence by truted political associates for want of political power by all means and at all costs.
crosswind of treachery example may include a diabolical scheming for political offices in nigeria in 2003
by akinson June 9, 2009
Blast you and your estrogenical treachery Hillary Clinton.
by Bob Edwards November 24, 2007
an outstanding deathcore band that has released albums such as At daggers drawn and welcome to wonderland
s.o.t. is:
alex huffman-vocals
voice gajic-guitar
chris simmons-guitar
adam pierce-drums
chris patterson-bass/vocals
s.o.t. is:
alex huffman-vocals
voice gajic-guitar
chris simmons-guitar
adam pierce-drums
chris patterson-bass/vocals
by killemallhellsing July 7, 2011
A fucking terrible band from Cincinnati Ohio that gets praise because people like stupid talentless music thats all break downs.
by BAM!!!!!!! February 10, 2009