Synonymous with cookie duster, defined as a mustache so glorious in thickness and appearance that seems ideal to gingerly brush upon the pelvic area of members of the female persuasion's genitalia during cunnilingus, almost like that of the dusting motion of a domestic cleaning instrument. Most women prefer to have men with "nookie duster" type mustaches to do work on the lady bits due to the extra stimulation that the hair follicles create. Weaker mustaches tend to poke and cause displease to the fairer sex's south mouth. Some glorious examples of Nookie Dusters throughout history are as follows: Burt Reynolds, Tom Selleck, Wiford Brimley, Teddy Roosevelt, and Ron Swanson from NBC's hit show Parks and Recreation.
Rachael: " So how was your date last night Carrie?"

Carrie: " Oh my god after we got home he went to town on my lower frown and his Nookie Duster tickled my lady bits all night, he's a keeper!"

Rachael: " Does he have any friends with superior, Burt Reynolds like Nookie Dusters?"
by Kenny Bixxx May 17, 2013
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1. an individual whom you know closely, such as a friend, partner, or co-worker, who wants mutual sexual intercourse without the relationship involved

see also: friend with benefits
Don't worry man, she's just my nookie buddy.
by Atticus89 December 6, 2009
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Having sex with a mate that has an overabundance of pubic hair.
The thoughts of having wookie nookie with her make me ill.
by mike b January 29, 2004
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Not to be confused with the total amount of people you've shared sexual relations, the Nookie Number is exclusive to vaginal/anal penetration. Only those rated above a "6" on the universal scale should be present on this list.
JA: What's your Nookie Number standing at?

DE: Seventeen as of last night. I hooked up with an attractive young lady at the frat party.

JA: What would you give her out of ten?

DE: She was a solid eight, bro.
by DEpps February 1, 2010
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when you skip school or work to have sex
Mark was playing nookie hooky from work when he left to have sex with Celeste.
by Stella S. January 19, 2006
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A play on the Hawaian language. Meaning getting no sex.
Billy is so horny,he's suffering from lack a nookie.
by Bill/K4FLH May 27, 2008
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like blue balls, but for a female
i got a blue nookie after jacks mom walked in on us while we were about to have sex.
by poaches January 2, 2020
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