Used to describe a male who is beautiful in spirit and body.
Often have long hair and eyes that sparkle.
Girl: I met this guy last night and he's a total Joe Lando. I'm in love.
by cornflake_girl August 20, 2011
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The Lando Special is the intergalactic sexual act that only VERY few individuals have successfully pulled off. (formerly known as the "Han Job")
You will need a Twi'lek, a Jawa, a Wookiee and a wheat thin (or any cracker or chip of similar size).

You must simply make love to the space behind the knees of the Twi'lek, "finish" on the wheat thin, and feed it to the Jawa while the Wookiee watches.

Don't feel sorry for the Jawa, they are legendary savagers and are happy with eating just about ANYTHING for a meal.
No one know what happens at the end because very few have pulled it off, but legend has it, if done right the Wookiee joins in on the eating of the wheat thin (unconfirmed).
Space Guy1: Man, I made a fortune betting on that tauntaun race.
Space Guy2: You really want to do something crazy!?
Space Guy1: Sure
Space Guy2: Have you ever had The Lando Special? I know a great place where we can order a couple.
Space Guy1: Awesome, but what's a "Lando Special"?
Space Guy2: You'll see. Hold on, we need to stop and get a box of wheat thins first.

12 hours later*
Space Guy1: Whoa, The Lando Special is amazing!
by ChewieHasLice February 25, 2020
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A more honest name for the city of Orlando, Florida
Do you sell body armor? I have to go to Puerto Lando tomorrow.
by mega oper July 11, 2008
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Verb. A sex act involving one conniving bastard (the male) and one dumb bitch (the dumb bitch).

1. Get a girl to your room, start fucking her.

2. In the middle of it, call her dad with her cellphone.

3. Leave after you have FUCKED her.
Dude, I totally Lando Calrissianned Marissa the other day. Her dad was PISSED.
by Clinton Russel November 27, 2011
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After the Pierre effect we got the Lando effect. It’s named after the F1 driver Lando Norris. He usually wears beanies. The Lando effect it’s when the other drivers wears beanie.
Charles got the Lando effect.
by Imheretorhelpyou March 7, 2022
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A mathematical equation defining the properties necessary to sell out your friends, whilst looking devstatingly handsome throughout.
C3PO: Captain Solo! Captain Solo! I strongly advise against going to Cloud City... Lando Theorem indicates a strong possibility that it is a trap

Han Solo: Shut up Goldenrod!
by astrotoy7 June 11, 2009
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One who is rather fat and obnoxious usually from the East Coast and closely resembles Lando Griffin from "Family Guy"
by Mac and Bernie April 13, 2005
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