A variation on the Arabian Goggles: the nutsack is placed gently on the recipient’s eye sockets, but instead of dotting the receiver's forehead, the asshole is used to cover their mouth like the breathing apparatus of a spacesuit.
There was no oxygen at that altitude so they were forced to use Iranian Spacemasks.
by Iran So Far Away July 17, 2010
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The act of injecting sand directly into your veins to gain the greatest high you will ever feel before you die
Yo man he ODed on iranian sand a week ago
by Jerry the Butcher February 6, 2018
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When you jack off in front of your girlfriends face, ejaculate in her eyes so she can't see, open her mouth and lay a big steamy shit in her mouth, then, you helicopter your penis around the rim of her mouth, causing shit to fly all over the room.
I gave Donna an Iranian Shower last night dude, I gotta go clean it up.
by Asshole11 February 24, 2023
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Its common meaning is the sexual act of immersing your partener's face in your own pile of feces, but with a twist! You then proceed to sit on your partener's face until they suffocate and die, making this the most extreme sexual act known to man.
Did you hear about that guy who died by an Iranian Mudpuddle?
by jewy mcjewjewjewjew February 9, 2009
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1. A paid assassin.

2. An enhanced interrogator.

3. A sex move where the girl lies on her back and a guy opens her mouth and skull-fucks her from above. Then he cums in her mouth and tells her to spit.
1. I hired an Iranian dentist to take care of that building inspector.

2. They used an Iranian dentist to make him talk.

3. I gave her an Iranian dentist and now she won't stop calling me.
by Banana_Fight September 23, 2011
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The act of defecating inside a sock and soaking it in a cup of urine for a while, then slapping said shit-filled sock on a car/door/person/small animal/etc.
"Dude, I did an Iranian Bullwhip on Old Man Jenkins car!"

"Oh god, that shit'll stink for weeks!"
by FranklinTempleton August 16, 2011
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When you bust a nut in a chicks face ( splurge ). While it is all over her face making it sticky. You throw sand at her face causing it to stick to her face BITCH.
"I gave Brock's Sister an Iranian surprise". "strangely she liked it"

by G Ridge November 21, 2007
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