someone who is past the point of being gay, or retarded. Usually used by people who feel the need to alternate their insults.
"Shut the fuck up, everyone knows super smash brawl uses classic controller, your so fucking gaytarded!"
by Sgt.Rawr October 18, 2007
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A person who has sexual feelings towards the same sex, and is also a retard.
Drporkchop is a fucking gaytard! What kind of name is that anyways!?
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when you meet someone and you can't tell if they're gay or retarded.
"Dude, I was just talking to this dude and I can't tell if he's gay or retarded"

"He must be gaytarded"
by ATAboy July 29, 2009
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When a person is gay and is a retard, Gaytard
by 122'R January 6, 2011
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*Adj: A person that is so stupid that it annoys the hell outta everyone around him.
*Verd: The action of being 'gaytarded' is acting upon a stupid impulse that makes you look frowned upon
*Adj* John is so gaytarded. He thinks he is funny but he is not.
*Verb* Skateboarding is gaytarded.
by Sushi Davis March 7, 2008
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one who is not only gay, but retarded as well!
Braden is the most gaytarded boy in the whole world!
by Dillon, Jamie, & Erin July 1, 2004
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