Women or men who believe that women should be treated equally as men. The problem with that, is it usually ends there - that is, feminists wouldn't give a fuck about it being the other way around (men being equally treated as women) to add to that, it usually isn't about having equality, its about having MORE. Also, if equal treatment is requested, then apparently feminists want to pay the bill and open the door for a man now. Oh wait, they probably don't - its equal, yet unequal treatment I guess. Makes plenty of sense.
Now, to address the stupid people who have a problem with the image of women on televison... GET OVER IT. For starters, and this is a big thing, the woman accepted the job to be on the show or commercial that portrayed her as the steryotypical houswife! What the hell! So, why don't you go down and attack her for doing that? And there is an entry about feminism by an author called "lick_it_bitch" who complains that tv sitcoms use skinny, beautiful women to be companions of fat, ugly men... and the tv shows that she lists to give examples of this are: "the drew carey show, family guy, the simpsons"... WHAT THE FUCK?!? TWO OF THOSE ARE FUCKING CARTOONS AND THE OTHER ONE IS THE FUCKING DREW CAREY SHOW SHIT!
And another problem I have with feminists is the fact that they seem to think that women should be treated equal simply because they're women. Nope. Doesn't work that way pal. If some womans a stuck up pompas ass bitch, no one should f@#$ing respect her simply because she's a woman.
Okay.... this is for people like (these are the usernames of people that have submitted entries) "Lick_it_bitch" and "unachicafantastica" as well as the rest of those extreme feminists. Go fuck yourselves, its because people like you that women (one of the most beautiful things on this planet) are being oppressed and even hated. And the last thing I would like to address - lick it bitch says (among a list of things that she disapproves of) "when its no longer legal to create or sell pornography showing a woman be violently raped" you are a fucking moron really... ITS FUCKING PORN! IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR GOOD OL FASHION FAMILY FUN DON'T FUCKING LOOK FOR IT IN A PORNO YOU ASSWIPE. Shit...
Most feminists drive me effing insane
by seemethenbitch August 27, 2007
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Someone who tries to deny the fact that women are terrible drivers.
Person 1: I was a juror in a case about a woman that killed 3 kids with her car. She admitted to texting while driving and applying makeup simultaneously, but her lawyer still got her out of a prison sentence.

Person 2: Wow, that lawyer must have been a real feminist!
by equal_opportunity_basher July 16, 2015
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Someone who wants to be more equal than everyone else
Damn Feminists, think they own the place
by distilledfx September 12, 2007
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A word used by idiots with a low self-esteem to identify with other people because they're lesbians and hate men
Normal girl: Wow, look at that cute boy over there! He sure has some good looks!
by pooeygirldooey August 22, 2015
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Stacey: "Milly, come over here and eat my fucking unwashed beaver, i want a feminist"
Milly: "Sure, but i wish you had a dick, dicks rule"
by DIRTY BOLLOCKS June 24, 2017
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That Feminist is Pro-Choice, as in women have complete control over whether a fetus is brought to term while men have no control.

That Feminist believes that female virtue is innately superior and that men are responsible for all bad and nothing good.
by IBlokes January 11, 2011
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A brain dead female who claims to fight for equal rights but when confronted on what don’t know shit they also shame men and make them seem as if they shouldn’t be alive also if your a female and aren’t a feminist your considered a trader and are against the LGBTQ community
Sally became a feminist and hates all men and got one 21 years in prison for false rape accusations
by Dkskakskdkskisnejfudr November 11, 2019
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