When two people take a crap simultaneously on one toilet. One person sits on the toilet as normal, then the other person squats and shits in the hole in between the person's legs.
Joe has to shit and so does Pat but there is only one toilet. Joe enters the bathroom and Pat see's his opportunity has passed to use the can. Pat then says "Joe let's save some time and "Deuce-Deuce".
by Peter Upinya March 12, 2008
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Two 7.5 mg Vicodin combined with two 10 mg Valium.
"Yo, pass me a deuce deuce and let's get jacked up."
by McDeuced May 15, 2009
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When you flip that middle finger, and that index finger follows. Giving the "peace out" when you're done with a person...physically, mentally or spiritually.
My girl always be on some B.S. so I had to give her the deuces.
by Coop of Exquisite July 25, 2010
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Dropping a Deuce

Spoken to denote "GOING NUMBER TWO" or having a bowel movement.

Hell Red, I'd go but need to run home and drop a deuce real quick alright?
by Adam Woods '87quest January 11, 2006
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The act of shitting, dropping a deuce, or taking the kids to the pool.
Also used in any variety of ways you would use the word shitting.
You got to be deucing me.
Sorry I didn't get your call, I was in the bathroom deucing up Chipotle, it was epic.
by deucerocket November 7, 2010
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n. Slang for a twenty-two ounce bottle of beer.
Yo man go get a deuce deuce of High Life.
by thug4life September 29, 2002
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1.slang for the number 2
3.an exclamation, popularized by cartoon character Stewie Griffin from popular TV series "Family Guy"
4.a 2 in poker lingo
"I'm goign to drop a deuce in your toilet, OK?"

"What the deuce?!"

"I got a pair of deuces."
by Squishmanchu February 26, 2006
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