A person who looks gay and acts like it.
But swears that he isn't
by E. November 24, 2003
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The absolute worst type of AIDS that one can acquire. As opposed to heroin AIDS or blood AIDS, culo AIDS is acquired through unprotected sex via the culo. The mortality rate of culo AIDS is extremely high.
This mujer con pene outside circle K offered to give Junior headwash. He declined saying that she probably had culo AIDS.
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mix of british and spanish slang lightly translated means Fucking Ass! best used when mad or very pissed at someone
Justin: *hits me* sup?
Me: get away from me you bloody culo!
by mj February 5, 2004
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A person with Hispanic or Spaniard background who enjoy the occasional act of anal penetration. With penis inserted inside the partner's rectum and hip swaying back and fourth, one will mimic the act of surfing.

Not to be mistaken with "Silver Surfer".
Bryan Escudero: Yo brah, I did some great culo surfing last night!

Ralph Montoya: TUBULAR! you're such a culo surfer.
by Bruce Leeper February 3, 2011
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Pinche Culo is Spanish that litteraly translates to "fucking asshole". It can even be used as a term of endearment when used between friends and used either with a smile on your face or even with a "pissed off" look.
Hey "pinche culo", don't be talking to my sister that way! " or "Pinche Culo, you drank all the beers! you didn't even pitch in bro"
by rms3303 March 4, 2022
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Simply defined... a BLACK ASS. Used in Puerto Rico, to indicate, the color of the gluteus maximus in an individual, or, to describe, how dirty is the person's ass.
Oye, el novio de Giselle, se cree blanquito, pero mirale el culo prieto!

(Hey, Giselle's man thinks he's white, but, look at his black ass!)
by PR Stallion July 31, 2008
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