If your girlfriend/partner gets braces you shall be know as coleslaw cock from then until she has them removed.
by cougar face May 7, 2010
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its the result of being so fat(women) that you get bacteria building up in the pubic region that it looks actaully like coleslaw
Casey safty had a lot of coleslaw.
by cuba libre March 7, 2005
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something you say when mum asks you what you want for dinner
Johnny: Wow, I'm craving for some kanye penis coleslaw today!
Eric: No dude we just had that yesteray.
by That guy said I was lesbian November 16, 2020
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"There's no way I just won the Publisher's Clearinghouse Sweepstakes! Shoot, darlin', you must be draggin' my dick through
the cole slaw."
by Big Daddy Rush January 14, 2005
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the green llama thing that gallops through the fields freely
corneilious raped frankie one too many times

corneilious enjoys spending time with carol and galloping in fields together
by EmoHitWithBagel March 27, 2005
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A group of Xarius’s and Isabels
Xarius and Isabel are skinny coleslaws
by XRUNZR May 27, 2021
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