A place where you can take the most fucken awsome girl and have a good time. Weither its laying down in the sand or looking up at the stars, there are endless possibilities that can be presented when you are there.

Perfect Definition: Laying down on a blanket in the sand with an amazing girl, a bigass cooler of monsters, chicken wings, stars, sounds of the waves, and some sexually moments ;)

A place where you have a reason to be half naked and act like a fuckin idiot sometimes, usually home to some sick ass parties. Can always find a way to have fun, from surfing, to almost gettin your ass chewed off by shark.
Damn, i cant wait til I take her to the beach
by Tha BAMF May 2, 2011
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Something that's washed-up, overdone, played-out, used up, worn-out.
"Crocs are beached."

"I'm feeling pretty beached right now"

"That club is beached."
by EricD0191 August 22, 2008
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Two women who share every aspect of their lives with each other. The relationship is often stormy and is marked by intense emotion and an over-abundance of drama. Nevertheless, the tears are honestly shed, and one will most probably give a gut-wrenching eulogy at the other's funeral. (Noun)

To go Beaches (Verb) - 1. to divulge the most private details of your life to your best-friend 2. your girlfriend (romantic) discusses an embarassing secret about your sex life with her best friend.
Noun -

I know everything there is to know about that girl; we've been Beaches for ten years.

Verb 1. -

I promised I wouldn't say anything, but I can go all Beaches with you right, girl?

Verb 2. -

My ex-girlfriend went Beaches on me and told her friend I have a small penis. Like her friend didn't already know. Oooh, snap!
by Madame June 29, 2006
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a phrase that federal government contractors use internally to describe paid company employees that are awaiting a security clearance in order to engage in their assigned client project. Typically, either by choice or because they have no other option, they are doing very little useful work.
Damn, Fred hasn't done shit for 6 months because he's been on the beach.
by AJ W February 1, 2008
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Term used in the Great Lakes, midwest and North Carolina for the shore or place that meets the ocean .

See shore for New Jersey and New England

See coast for the Southeast

See sea for England

See surf for California and North Carolina
I drove 17 hours from Chicago to go to the beach in North Carolina.
by BellaVistaBambina September 24, 2009
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Another word for bitch commonly seen with the 🅱️ emoji
by The Real Koya May 8, 2019
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Beach is a nicer way of expressing your anger. It can be said in place of any "bad" word that you can think of. Whenever your thinking a "bad" thought, it is always nice to resort to beach. Mostly because there might be children around. Also, it doesn't give you the risk of saying something you would regret. A little too often, we take out our anger on beloved family members. By using beach, you are staying away from those "bad" words and taking out your anger in a good way.

That beach!
by ocean liebe June 10, 2009
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