Someone with the intellectual capacity of a cerebrually defective cow and the mannerisms of a parasite.
In other words, an idiot who leeches off of other people's resources without contributing anything in return.
In OTHER other words, the bad funcle and your 26 year old cousin who lives in their mother's basement.

Also used as a general insult when someone does something stupid.
Jimmothy: *spills the tea kettle on Pathew* Whoops
Pathew: OW wtf Jim! You beefwitted barnacle!
by The Insult Man March 12, 2021
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1.The single greatest playa is rap history. 2.Used as a term for old faggy saggy ladies to call a yung trapper.

3.The collab partner of Saucedad69
4.the best rapper of ur generation and many to come
1. bro I love listening to lil barnacle.
2.”that brat is a lil barnacle”-faggy saggy old lady.
3. The best rappers that work together are by far lil barnacle and Saucedad69.
4. Lil barnacle is so good at rapping he’ll be around for ages.
by Wizz__Khallifa February 19, 2019
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Term used to describe herpes on a nasty va-jj.
Tom: I heard that broad Bon Qui-Qui has pussy barnacles.

Chris: I'd still fuck her, she's studded for your pleasure.
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The most intelligent young rapper of our generation. When you listen to his music you instantly orgasm and enter the fourth dimension.
Joe: The new lil barnacle song is so good
Yuri: I have something to tell you... I am lil barnacle.
Joe: (Instant orgasm and entrance into the next life)
by I fucked a pussy that shit wet October 24, 2019
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The state of a persons back; when they do not wash their back during a shower, the accumulation of dirt and dry skin which literally looks like barnacles.
"Look at that chick in the tube top,she has a barnacle back!"
by bopshug April 10, 2013
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The words you can say to mean "Fuck Boy" or "Fuck Boi" when you can't swear. In the television series, "SpongeBob SquarePants," the word 'baracle' is used as a curse word, giving it its place in the phrase "Barnacle Boy" as an alternative to "Fuck Boy/boi".
Me: Oh my god; I just spotted the fuckiest fuck boy.
Random Person: *gasp* Don't say that -- he's a Barnacle Boy!
by BootyHole December 27, 2014
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Enflamed and enraged hemorrhoids that are itching worse than a case of chicken pox. Rendering the person in a miserable, squirming state longing for relief from a medicated pad or salve.
Carl's job as a trucker often rendered him on the long hauls with a case of itchy barnacles. He frequently had to make stops along the way for a little rectal ointment to smooth the fire.
by Eaton Holgoode October 19, 2015
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