stephen wrote the book of gentleman many years ago, the first copy was published in the mid 1800's and read by over 70% of the worlds population - here in 2010 a copy of this book is very hard to come by, people believe every book in existance was destroyed in a bid to keep 'gentlemanizm' unknown, only a select few have had the art of gentleman sent down to them throughout the generations. Stephen Plank, the creator of the book still lives, it is predicted he is over 5 thousand years old
"that stephen plank sure is a gentleman"- quote by an anonymous gentleman plank fan
by nomnomnomage April 14, 2010
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An inexpensive drink combination, most bartenders should know: the cheapest beer and a shot of the cheapest whiskey at the bar.
I've only got $6, so I think I'd better order the Gentleman.
by PauGen November 29, 2010
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Refers to a man that will screw a girl up the pooper in order to protect her virginity!!!
Lucy: "John, I want to be a virgin when I get married"
John: "Don't worry Lucy, I'm a gentleman"
by DoggyD November 13, 2006
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One who always folds a lady's shirt after borrowing it.
Rob: Here's your shirt back Sarah. Thanks for letting me wear it. Here, I'll fold it for you.
Sarah: Oh, Rob, you are quite the gentleman.
by EmersonienEra September 6, 2006
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The act of receiving a blow-job while smoking a cigarette, taking a shit, and reading the newspaper.
Damn, I just pulled off The Gentleman with the

dumbest bitch I have ever seen.
by yesimernie November 12, 2010
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The act of slapping someone across the face with a glove, as if to initiate a duel or fisticuffs.
"I challenge you, good sir, to a duel!" :::GLOVE SLAP!:::

(NOTE: The act of slapping with the glove is the actual gentleman, not the fellow who wields the glove.)
by The Gentleman July 9, 2006
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A man that crawls on his hands and knees in the sand and leaves five tracks.
Tommy Lee is a gentleman.
by B.J. Clinton November 24, 2006
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