likes to play gay with friends, but deep down really is... poor friends...
Playing virgil under the table, acting feminine for fun..
by dunkz151 April 3, 2009
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A person known for homo-erotic fantasizing and furtive social masturbation.

Derived from the German word "Virgschmecken' meaning masturbate inapprorpiately.

the word Virgil also has the tendency to be used to describe a person whom is known to be a child predator.
Dude, that guys is a total Virgil! I saw him at a party the other night. He was playing with himself in the corner, if ya know what I mean!
by homeslice99 February 4, 2010
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A virgin. Someone who's never had sex.
Man, that kid is talking like he's banged half the chicks in school, but he's such a virgil.
by Kappuru September 29, 2005
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Fucked up people, usually refer to some guy who is mentally challenge.
You can say like... Omg he is such a lameass virgil, just piss off.
by shit digger May 16, 2016
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A man in his late 50s traped in a 13 yo. body. he likes to talk about inappropriate things. think he is the boss of everybody. and he think he is smart. also, is a cult leader
by Krunch E weave March 18, 2019
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Virgil Sanders is Thomas Sanders' anxiety. He is known by many names (the best being Supreme Dark Overlord of Negative Commerce). He is emo, and enjoys My Chemical Romance, Evanescence, Panic! at the Disco, and so on. He was originally a 'Dark Side' until his redemption arc, 'Accepting Anxiety'. Then he finally feels like part if the famILY, as Patton puts it. He is known by Creepy Cookie, Emo Nightmare, Supreme Dark Overlord of Negative Commerce, Charlie Frown, J. Delightful, and so on. When Deceit pretends to be Patton, Logan and himself are the first to figure it out. And Virgil and Deceit are glaring at each other like crazy, so they have some history. He can be paid to say puns, (I know this because Patton has paid him to before). Sometimes is self-deprovating, but Patton threats to physically fight him when he does.
Hippie Friend: why are you so Emo?

Emo friend: because Virgil Sanders changed my life.
by Just a Nerdy Emo May 15, 2018
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