It's the same principle as "teabagging." Except with the dunking of an asshole on to the tip of a nose.
Man, while me and my girl were "69in'" last night, she kept "tippin' the hat."
by HarrietandHarryTrotter April 19, 2018
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getting a large group of drunken Sods to tip a cow on its back in the middle of the night.
Hey am pissed lets go cow tippin
by Urban Dictionary February 10, 2005
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This occurs when one has to poop so bad the tip of his/her log is sticking out and has to be sucked back in repetatively.
Hey, can you pull over into this rest stop? I have to shit so bad I'm brown-tippin'!
by Damian Bunny February 11, 2009
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A popular party-goer game. The object of the game is to expose ONLY the tip of ones penis during a crowded party. The more people to notice your 'tip' results the winner. A player is disqualified for getting an erection.
"Ryan gets all the ladies, which might explain his undefeated Party Tippin record."
by minorman January 29, 2010
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Repeatedly inserting and removing the tip of the penis in and out of the anal orifice. Penetration is ever made beyond the bellend.

May also be performed with a sex toy but it’s just not the same.
I was chicken tippin’ Rachel last night. She’s got a hungry little winker.

My oring is very tender today. Hemorrhoids? No. Was chicken tippin’ last night with a guy I picked up.
by Eaton Holgoode February 2, 2018
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when a guy purposely spills his drink on his crotch in front of a hot girl. then pretends to be wiping it off but actually rubbing one off
jack: wow, that guys water tippin maybe he wants to give her a boston pancake?

jim: you fucking cunt
by thecrackhouse February 6, 2010
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Adj. - when one who is "ballin" cant help themselves but tip a priest who has done a great job.

N. - one who is against religion and also "ballin" so hard, he/she "tips" or pushes a priest.
Oh snap Rik David is really is priest tippin....


Oh snap look at Rik David, cant believe he is priest tippin!!
by chefB October 13, 2013
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