Similar to the term cool as, 'yum as' is a personal expression of good tasting food, or anything for that matter.

Antonym: Not yum as
Random: Ewwww....Spaghetti on toast?!?! Thats disgusting!!!
Me: No way man! It's yum as!
by Joe and friend January 24, 2007
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an affectionate term for a friend or someone of the opposite sex you find attractive
female me: hey yum, hows it going
female friend: meh im doing alright, a little tired

hot male friend: hey lady what are you doing tonight?
female me: oh hey yum, no plans. you up for something?
hot male friend: sure give me a call later
by delores haze November 21, 2005
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default word for something awesome and deliciously inappropriate
by Vicious_Vuhjaina November 22, 2015
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(verb) To eat; to consume. Also, yummin'.
Why you yumming on all the pizza, nigga?
by xxswagmonster58 August 30, 2016
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When you like something or you think something is cool. It is kind of how "sick" was big a while back. Just another word for something you like. You can use it with pretty much anything, and it is great because people think you are crazy. Just have fun with it!
Richard: "Hey I'm having a party at my house want to come!?"

Mia: "Oh YUM! That sounds great!"
by capfc November 30, 2011
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Young urban materialist. Like yuppie but different.
God, I sure do hate the yum class of Chelsea.
by Banana Hammie November 17, 2019
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