When you say you are going to do something and then bail without even telling anyone usually due to some unimportant debauchery .
Friend 1: Hey man let’s do that important thing we talked about tomorrow okay?

Friend 2: Yeah sure thing !

Next day

Friend 1: Hey when are you coming? Hello ??

Friend 2: ::crickets::

•Friend 2 pulled a varga
by elpolemico December 3, 2021
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A family that is filled beaners.
He has to be apart of the Vargas family
by United V December 11, 2019
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Man who shits himself on command
Guy 1: did you see when Vargas shit his pants
Guy 2: yea
by Andrew Shorting March 27, 2019
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Vargas is a very shy guy. But he can be outgoing when with his friends.
Don't be a Vargas, get up there and go!
by mynameisnowonurban April 11, 2019
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