To be one of the strongest competitors in the sport of professional bull riding.
Mike Lee is a great guy and he's a great bull rider. Yeah he's rank.
by dnegrin November 20, 2006
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1. Something purely disgusting or gross.
2. Awesome, amazing, epic win.
1. "Kyle's house smells fucking rank."
2. "Did you hear about that new video game coming out? It looks rank."
by marktheman14 July 24, 2011
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to make fun of anyones hair, teeth, shirt, tapeline, haircut, shoes, pants ETC...

at the lunchtables, they began to rank on me
by tha truth teller May 31, 2006
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A website ( created by sci-fi writer Taylor Humphries.
I went to the website Ranked to find the highest ranked NBA dunks ever.
by HTBarnum December 4, 2018
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when you say you're going to hang out with someone and then don't
"I was supposed to meet Joe at the mall but he ranked at the last minute!"
by Bloopbloop September 29, 2007
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A substance, mostly an odor, or person whos smell, look, texture etc. is unappealing to another individual.
Joe: I just farted
Frank: I smell it, RANK!
by booosh3456 June 29, 2009
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A Hayleyism...

Used to describe something nasty or unpleasant.
That cheese is rank, you fukin bellend.
by ChrisBa May 24, 2005
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