43 definitions by tha truth teller

SG #23 for the Golden State Warriors AKA J-Rich,2 time consecutive NBA dunk contest champion

can score with ease and throws down some sick dunks,most underrated SG in the NBA
Jason Richardson is the best dunker in the NBA,edges out vince carter
by tha truth teller March 13, 2006
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if all humans were as: gentle, touching, gripping, motivating,socially aware and outspoken as Tupac......we would be living in absolute BLISS

"a creative heart obsessed with satisfying this DORMENT and UNCARING society"
Tupac was an excellent poerty writer and its evident in such poetry as "starry night" and "God" he is without a doubt the best artists EVER and was a genuine kind-hearted person

by tha truth teller May 31, 2006
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a horrible disease that millions of teenage americans suffer from.

the FOB virus is airborne, one is contaminated with this virus as soon as they hear any pop fall out boy song.

symptoms include include a significant change in sexuality and wardrobe such as : guys wearing mascara and eyeliner while wearing flourescent colored "Youth Small" sized DC shoes shirts, ripped up pants and having a weird haircut with bangs that cover half your face.
we must stop the Fall out boy virus with DEATH METAL, the antidote.
by tha truth teller March 28, 2007
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1. an actor who visited South Park and ended up getting stuck in a closet along with Sylvester Stalone, he refused to come out of the closet so the south park police were forced to come and try to get him out of the closet.

but going out of the closet was tough, since R.Kelly visited the scene and started singing "trapped in the closet" while pulling his handgun out...R.Kelly also is stuck in the closet

2. the same actor that was stuck in the closet who is held responsible for the disaster on film called Mission Impossible III
Officer Barbrady: Come out of the closet Tom Cruise!!

Tom Cruise: No....im not getting out of the closet
by tha truth teller October 4, 2006
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a new console from sony,fanboys say that its twice as poweful as the 360 but the fact is that it only has 50 more MHZ in the processor....

the pricing for the PS3 has been announced (its official)

$499- PS3 with 40 GB HDD

$599- PS3 with 60 GB HDD

$699- PS3 Bundle with 2 games and 60 GB HDD
i worked for 6 weeks and had 300 dollas saved for the PS3....Sony ruined my dreams
by tha truth teller May 10, 2006
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Professional football team in Oakland,California owned by Al Davis. the team has been humiliated and hasnt won more than 5 games for the past 3 seasons due to really bad coaching and lack of team discipline. but things will turn around since Oakland has signed former coach Art Shell,who is making his second appearance in oakland and is a coach who bases his gameplan on heavy discipline and zero bullshit. players have noticed a change in the right direction since day 1 of mini-camp

the Oakland Raiders are heavily hated by alot of people, but its in human nature to hate and envy the best. the Raiders are known to have the rowdiest and most loyal fans in all of sports...the "Raider Nation" who come to all home games and will travel across the country for away games,they are known for their outrageous costumes and wild pre-game tailgates

The Oakland Raiders will start the 2006 season off by beefing up a defense that showed some positive strides in 2005 by adding Rookie FS from Texas Michael Huff and USC SS Darnell Bing. the have also added cornerbacks Tyrone Poole and Duane Starks. they also added LB Robert Thomas

The Raiders will be explosive on offense after getting rid of kerry "concrete shoes" collins and bringing in Aaron Brooks from the Saints,as well as having the best wide reciever in the NFL,Randy Moss. on offense they also have Lamont Jordan,Jerry Porter,Ronald Curry,Doug Gabriel. they have also gotten a new offensive coordinator

the Raiders have played horribly under Coach Turner, but Art Shell will bring back the MYSTIQUE and NASTINESS and really show this team the meaning 'committed to excellence'..and bring back the glory days of winning
look out for the Raiders in 2006
by tha truth teller May 21, 2006
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to make fun of anyones hair, teeth, shirt, tapeline, haircut, shoes, pants ETC...

at the lunchtables, they began to rank on me
by tha truth teller May 31, 2006
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