A tragic surname, the butt of gay jokes.
Bully: Sup gaylord! How's it like being gay?
John Gaylord: Stop calling me gaylord... it's my surname dude
by big hm September 23, 2020
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A dumb insult that asshole college bitches on facebook use to make themselves feel like "cool guys".

Used primarily by people who do not have enough brains to think up anything better.

Supposedly meaning "lord of gays" however, when used, it actually means that the person who is using said insult, is a closet homosexual and cannot admit it.
The Douche Fag thinks he is cool because he used the insult, gaylord however, he is actually upon further inspection, he himself appears to be the God king of the fanny bandits. AKA: the entire queer race as we know it.
by Helennizzle March 24, 2010
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Anyone with the name Gavyn which translates to GAvYn. You are mega gay. All time gay.
"Omg look it's the Gaylord," she said while looking at GAvYn.
by Me_no_never July 13, 2018
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"No u" has been found to be the ultimate insult and it can be used to outmatch the use of Gaylord. "No u" can only be used by one party of a two party conversation. If there are more than two participants in a conversation "No u" can be passed between everyone but never back to anyone who has already passed the "No u". The last reciever of "No u" is the true Gaylord.

See "Gaylord"

Random Guy 1: Dude, fuck you to the max...and SUCK IT!!!

Random Guy 2: You're such a GAYLORD...Hail the ruler of all gays.

Random Guy 1: No u.

Random Guy 2: Shit, I just got served.

Gaylord -

The Ultimate insult...in which nothing can outmatch. In using Gaylord you are saying somebody is essentially the Ruler of all Gays.

A Gaylord is a about 100x10^999 times more insulting than all of those words combined. Unlike many other definitions claim, Gaylord cannot be beaten by "fuck you" or any other insult.

Gaylord is a classic insult used many centuries ago, but recently has become lost in time...fortunatly it is slowely being brought back into everyday use.
Random Guy 1: Dude, fuck you to the max...and SUCK IT!!!

Random Guy 2: You're such a GAYLORD...Hail the ruler of all gays.

Random Guy 1: Shit, I just got served
by M.C Caber April 02, 2006
Random Guy 1: Dude, fuck you to the max...and SUCK IT!!!

Random Guy 2: You're such a GAYLORD...Hail the ruler of all gays.

Random Guy 1: No u.

Random Guy 2: Shit, I just got served.
by NudeFrog April 23, 2018
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I feel so bad for Gaylord. His parents must have hated him.
by 42answer June 6, 2014
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A gay man who isn't scared to admit that he is gay (i.e. 'Captain Holt' from Brooklyn 99)
This morning a man who happened to be sitting at the same dining table as me said: 'look over here, handsome. I'm gay and I wanna fuck you even though we're both men. What a Gaylorde!
by Bloody Butt Crack April 28, 2017
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An ICONIC groupchat full of illiterate hoes on twitter who talk about sucking dick, bts and one direction.
“Hey have you heard about that ICONIC groupchat named gaylords on twitter?”

“Oh yeah, that illiterate groupchat who is obsessed with sucking dick
by homodicktp September 5, 2018
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