Short for "Trans Rights Activist Shitting Herself/Himself." Created as a response to the TRA epithets TERF and FART. The image invoked by TRASH is one of a TRA going insane over the idea of someone not believing Men are Women
Will someone please sort out this TRASH?
Stop being such TRASH.
TRASH people deserve no respect.
by HoxhaWasAPacifist April 29, 2020
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New York's hottest club is TRASH. This meat packing hot spot includes Pierre, the Muslim Elvis impersonator; clones; freaks; sneezing; a Russian man on a prepaid cell phone; and there's no password! All you have to do is do the "Cosby face!"
Seth Meyers: Where's a good place to take my family over the weekend?
Stefon: New York's hottest club is TRASH!
Seth Meyers: ...
by LMG123 November 24, 2010
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1. A piece of something you don't need that you put in a bin.

2. An insult that means someone is bad at something.
1. Throw that trash away.

2. You're trash.
by AwesomeArbok20 January 22, 2017
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Joe: Have you read Falcon's Voice?
Smart Person: Did you just call it Falcon's Voice!? It's called "Trash", Joe!
by FALCONS VOICE IS ASS March 20, 2019
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