A guy or girl you are casually dating or sleeping with, and also respect or have feelings for. Someone who is more than just a f**k-buddy or boytoy, but that you're not monogamous with and is not as serious as a bf/gf.
Guy 1: "Damn, who was that girl you were with yesterday, she fine as hell! Is that your latest hook up? "
Guy 2: "Nah, she cool. That's my latest swain."

Girl 1: "She's always talking about Chris. Is that her boyfriend?"
Girl 2: "No, not yet. He's just her swain. She still sees other guys."
by Hot_Sauce_005 December 27, 2021
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The place who’s food is over priced asf. And by the time it’s January the entire resort is finally open. And you better not like your jacket cause it’s gonna be greasy.
You know what else is greasy 😏...... my hair. I haven’t showered in 15 days.... yeah Swain is pretty shitty.
by Dawnkeyfriggyermum August 19, 2021
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The art of saying you're going to do something but have no intentions of doing it whatsoever.

Specifically when it involves organising something with other people.
Over Facebook..
Matt: Hey I'm coming to Melbourne on Friday for the weekend, wanna meet up?
Justin: Yeah cool, I'll move some things around and contact you closer to the time.
Matt: Awesome dude, can't wait, been looking forward to it. **giggles like a school girl**
Friday 9am
Justin: Yay its Friday, where and what time we meeting? (seen)
Justin: Hey dude, we still meeting? I got the weed you wanted (seen)
Justin: Are you in Melbs atm? Just heading out, ring me (seen)
Justin: Hello? (seen)
Matt: I'm back from Melbourne, didn't get your messages until now
Justin: Nice Swain Move PRICK
by ppwned April 29, 2021
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A pin-headed simpleton with a pin-sized wienie, who lacks common sense and often has periodic lapses in basic motor skills. His ineptitude is superseded only by how much he likes black chicks.
I saw Colt Swain at Wal-Mart the other day. He was checkin out that black badonkadonk.
by big booty lovin January 11, 2012
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Kin Swain is the action of being overly affectionate with an older or younger siblings to the point that people feel uncomfortable about how you act with your sibling.
“Who’s that guy with Rachel?” “Oh that’s her brother” “She partakes in that kin swain shit if you know what I mean.”
by Karie37 April 2, 2021
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A champion in league of legends and if used, the player using him automatically becomes retarded.

0% skill required
People named Nathaniel are more likely to use this dogshit champion
R = Penta kill

People who use this champion are probably gay lol
IsThatPanda: Don't worry guys I will carry this game !!!!!!!!!!!
(Akali) AnnFrank1945 Has drawn first blood!
(Swain) IsThatPanda has disconnected

Swain Players = Automatically reported
by YesMyEyesAreSidewards October 31, 2022
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Swained-(V, past tense) When someone gets you in trouble and then acts like you are friends afterward.
Kevin: Can you believe this shit? This dude snitched on me, then I lost my job, now he's trying to hang out after we get off work.

Randall: Oh shit man, he swained you like that. damn son.
James: WHY the FUCK did you fall asleep at work?
Ezell: I was tired.
James: Wrong Answer. Now you gotta hold my pocket until we done here...but after that, we can go get some beers later and bullshit.
Ezell: I don't want any beers, I ain't being swained like that homie.
by Chico Blacklung January 7, 2011
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