3 definitions by Guest22

A Kim Kardashian look alike, if Kim kardashian melted slightly. Izzy can be one of the funniest people you know, but like her father she has gas issues.
Guy1: why are you throwing up?
Guy2: Izzy potts cupcaked me
by Guest22 October 24, 2023
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Nicholas swain is a father to many, some would say too many, and has a serious gas issue, and is known to be the only one laughing at his own jokes.
Guy1: nicholas swain is the funniest guy I know
Guy2: he is also the funniest guy he knows.
by Guest22 October 24, 2023
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An annoying girl who hates everything and farts while she laughs
Guy: hey have you seen Gwenhyvar

Guy2: no. Thankfully not

Gwenhyvar: kill your self
by Guest22 July 15, 2022
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