noun; A rather large, hairy, and sometimes green pimple that grows on the buttocks.
A girl named Vanessa has a society.
by thomas burgand July 29, 2008
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Social construct whining pussies complain about on the internet because they have no friends.
KHHV: Man, society has ruined my life. Nobody sees me for who I am.
Sensible Person: Maybe that's because you're an autistic sexual deviant.
by ScrubEmAndStrumEm April 21, 2018
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People that prefer Women over men
Girls: Hug
Society: That's fine

Boys: Handshake
Society: Eww thats gay
by BigSmoke40 October 21, 2020
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Part of a question pertaining as to how things are.

Synonym: What's the craic?
Bruv, what's the society?
by 2plus2isjoe October 10, 2009
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Society is a rather odd organization. It uses such tactics like "Think like everyone else", "Be like everyone else", and "If anyone thinks for themselves, beat them".
by King Blargh July 7, 2005
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The 'society' is a number of persons regarded as constituting a single group or community.

The complex of factors, as activities, attitudes, and environment, characterizing any such group.

The worldwide community made up of all human beings.
It was rather a multicultural society we grew up in.
by Barbara Gauss October 30, 2005
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An utter fucking shithole!

Society is in a rapid advanced state of moral decay!

We are swirling the proverbial toilet bowl folks!
by un be[DIRTYWORD]lievable February 15, 2005
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