5 definitions by King Blargh

A school full of a bunch of plastic, self absorbed cunts that happen to be carbon copies of each other.

Students tend to range from your normal self absorbed asshole to your uber moronic, bitchy, full blown consumer whore.
by King Blargh October 10, 2005
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1. A clothing store with commercials that can make a grown man cry.
2. A clothing store that sells bright happy clothing, and it causes me to vomit.
1. Tom cried after wathcing the horriffic Old Navy commercial.
2. *vomits*
by King Blargh July 7, 2005
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A very intelligent man that is victimized by attention whores and others that are too stupid to understand him. He is NOT a Satanist or devil worshipper, he said so himself. Manson also makes great music!
Idiot- Why are you listening to that shit?
Me- Marilyn Manson is not shit.
Idiot- But he's a devil worshipper!
Me- No, he is not.
Idiot- I HATE YOU!!!
Me- You fail at life.
by King Blargh July 7, 2005
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Society is a rather odd organization. It uses such tactics like "Think like everyone else", "Be like everyone else", and "If anyone thinks for themselves, beat them".
by King Blargh July 7, 2005
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Someone that tries to look "tough" by butchering the English language. Also tries to aim their 9mm, but will then realize that they are too stoned to aim propely, and they end up unloading a clip into a wall.

A "gangsta" is nothing to be proud of as they make the African American and Caucasian races look bad.
"gangsta": hey ya yall woah wut up homie g unit in the hood?
Me: What the fuck?
"gangsta": see dats the problem, you goin round disrespectin me yo.
Me: Quit butchering the Engish language.
"gangsta": ya? Wut you gunna do bout it, Goth boy? Betta watch it, I might put a cap in yo ass.
Me: *stares in confusion*
"gangsta": Now move it whitey!
Me: *stays in confused state of mind*
by King Blargh July 7, 2005
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