- Meth capitol of the world
- KKK capitol of the US
- Where all the girls are down.
- Filled with Bros and Brohoes
- Their Football team never wins
- School with the most STDs
- Also known as slimy valley
Guy1: Hey, i this girl thinks your hot. You down?
Guy2: Yea for sure. Where she from?
Guy1: ...Simi Valley
Guy2: Awh FUCK THAT.
by cleantofrontsquat December 30, 2010
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Recognizing Simi Valley as the porn capital we came up with this. This requires 2 men staring each other straight in the eye while masturbating simultaneously. The "winner" would be the person to complete the task first. Looking down is strictly forbidden!
What do you say we settle this dispute with a good ole fashioned Simi Valley Showdown?

He got the role fair and square after he won the Simi Valley Showdown.
by GetCrunk88 January 31, 2010
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The rap scene located out of Simi Valley, California. It kind of sucks. The main subject matter is girls, especially ones named Zeina. “Naali keep it real” and “They Stan Mateo” on SoundCloud pioneered the genre
Did you hear Cart by They Stan Mateo? It’s a highlight of Simi Valley Rap
by hubsta May 24, 2022
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name for the fugliest person you’ve ever seen, doesn’t shower and u can see the fumes coming off of her
person: ew gross what is that smell
friend: that’s simi
by chinchila October 25, 2023
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Simi is a fat tom boy who is in love with rohaan
Rohaan:"eating chocolate
by Dhevrhe October 24, 2023
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