The thing all us guys want but we will never get
I really want that power of shaggy
by Senoaifag69 April 1, 2019
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An omnipotent being of unimaginable power. It is said that the Shaggy is the progenitor of reality itself. His inconspicuous human form has caused many to underestimate his prowess, with often devastating consequences. Legend has it that the Shaggy destroyed an entire universe using only 0.1% of his power.
No one can ever stop the Shaggy.
by .&:&3&83 February 10, 2019
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An online persona/avatar. Gets shot at by accident on frequent occasions by one particular team mate.

S***, sorry Shaggy, my bad.

Ooof, sorry Shaggy, thought you were the enemy.

Careful Shaggy I have triple barrel shotgun and you are in front of me.
by Flower September 4, 2003
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1.The guy from Scooby-Doo who is scared alot.
2.Some ugly singing bum who needs to get a haircut.
2."YEH,ITZ SHAGGAY!" said Shaggy.Everyone looked at him like he was an idiot,but he just danced and danced.
by TheWiggidy April 10, 2004
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A young, male Ohioan who enjoys waxing his armpit hair in the company of Salvy employees
Shaggy can be such a naive dumbass sometimes; I wish he would get a clue.
by Shaggy May 30, 2003
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1. Adjective for "to lie, to tell and untruth", etc

2. Often used in the phrase "shaggy dog" to describe a lie
by Bonnie wee haggis September 23, 2003
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The most powerful being to ever exist. Makes Thanos look like a weak bitch
All the avengers need in order to defeat Thanos is to have Shaggy on their side then they’ll be good
by Dubiks February 5, 2019
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