The sexual act of setting alight a firework, and releasing it into your partner’s anal cavity. It will then combust, tearing apart their insides, leading to great pleasure. Great fun for the whole family
Me and grandma just tried out the Romanian sizzler”
by Bibby cheese October 28, 2023
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If you're Romanian Sexual, you're attracted to peoples pockets and wallets
Yo, im Romanian Sexual which means im gonna steal that mans wallet, it looks so sexy.
by xanlua69 October 11, 2022
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A homosexual sex position employed by the Romanian militia and Romanian gun owners.

You stick your gun grip the other man's asshole, and his dick in yours. Then, you roll around on the floor screaming, covered in shit while Ukrainians piss on you
"Did you hear that Mofo did the Romanian Romp with Caityln?"
by Pseudonymeous Psydon November 14, 2020
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When you ran out of toilet paper and all you can do is break off your toe nails and scoop the shit out of your asshole.
Ben: Yo henry there is no more toilet paper
Henry: Just use the Romanian toenail technique dude.
Ben: alright thanks man!
by GOliath69 October 10, 2022
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When, in the act of sex, a man inserts various knick-knacks and curios into the girl's piss-flaps.
Man 1: Oi, bruv, you see that bird?

Man 2: Yeah, bruv, she's got a bit of a limp, doesn't she?

Man 1: Romanian shoebox, mate.
by A man who does stuff October 28, 2011
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10 american "dudes" sucking 1 big romanian cock
Bob and his friends are sucking Mihai`s cock...they are giveing him a Romanian Handshake
by MihaiMihai August 23, 2006
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When a tile installer only installs the tiles which require no cuts or other work to fit. This generally includes open floor areas and wall areas away from other walls, fixtures, drains and objects where the tiles need to be cut. The worker quickly installs these easy tiles and then attempts to convince the boss, customer or job site supervisor they have accomplished a great deal of work and require some form of upfront pay. They then leave the job site with this money and never return to complete the difficult part of the job.
Job site super> Did Alex finish the tiles in the bathroom?
worker> Nope, that bastard did the Romanian lay!
Job site super> I knew we should have paid him after he finished
by BaldFatGuy March 15, 2011
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