To 'do a ria riot' would meen to pretend to be drunk, street rat in a dirty town filled with pikeys, talk like an intoxicated 4 year old all the time, not be capable of constructing proper senteces, often missing out words making you sound foreign. Also, a classic ria riot trait would be to take about 300 pictures with people, even if you only meet them once or are only with them for a maximum of five minutes, this is so as to pretend to myspace that you do have real friends away from the internet, when in actual fact, you don't.

Ria riot & Amber Amaze, some of the only children remaining still trying desperately to revive scene couture, trash and alliterative myspace names.
girl - "I beg we do a ria riot tonight"
boy - "Cotch in a park with bare pikeys pretending to be high and filming ourselves making food have sex, no thanks"
girl - "Why not?"
boy - "Coz I ain't a greeb"
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1. adj.
To do a Ria Riot; To film oneself pretending to be intoxicated

2. verb.
To Ria yourself; To peirce ones body in stange and unsettling places for attention and street cred

3. noun.
Ria Riot; A hairy armed dutty beg scene wearing tacky extensions and fake peircings.
1. "Im going to do a Ria Riot tonight"

2. "I'm bored... wanna Ria Riot yourself with me?"
by Kiki Cocktail January 13, 2009
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Pikachu means biggachu, ria means liar
Cranky is a pikachu ria
by LanceIsTheBest November 2, 2022
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a name for an Indian girl who’s favorite person in the world is allison chung
ria dattani likes coke.
by butterbahdie September 9, 2020
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These people are hench and can’t fit through double doors due to their advanced muscles. When people see them they cry because they’re scared of us
Look! There goes ria and poppy. Shiver my timbers
by Brembley March 1, 2020
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The love is unstoppable they can’t feel it yet but they will feel it soon enough they need a chance to talk and to get together and they will be the power couple of svc ( made by A Patel )
Soniya : ugh ranjot doesn’t talk to me I know we will rule the world

Samantha : the only people ruling svc is Ria and Chahat

Soniya: ughhhh

Akhil : hahahahahah
by December 7, 2020
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Ria is short diareah meaning the ria monster is another word for an abundance amount of diareah that can walk around and eat you. Thus something you dont want.
"Dude did you hear.. spencer bates had a case of the ria monster and skidd'd his pants at hockey the other day"
by annonymous November 29, 2004
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