The act of slapping someone or something with your genitals.
Joe: Damn why was Sarah so pissed just now?
Mark: Yeah, Eli just No Respected her in the cheek.
by Steve Harrelson December 7, 2009
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A common phrase used when you feel that someone or something has done an act that has earned your respect. In some cases, if you are so grateful for a certain committed act, you may reply with, "That's Respect," followed with a snap of your index finger to your thumb and middle finger,which are connected to one another;see Ali G. Also, after you have committed an act of respect to someone, after they say, "That's Repsect," reply simply with, "Respect."
Doug: "Could you get that for me?"
Adam: "Sure, no problem, here you go."
Doug: "That's Respect."
Adam: "Respect."

Richard: "I cut class and the teacher didn't even write me up. That's Respect."

James: "I just got my test back, and actually passed. That's Respect."
by Patrick Cronin March 21, 2007
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That guy doesn't know who he's talking to

He needs to respectalize.
by flashy flash August 5, 2008
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Something that remains after you lose all your money in poker.
Respect is all you have left in the morning.
by Teddy KGB May 2, 2004
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1) Actions taken in response to fear or low self esteem.

Respect is used in situations where a person wants others (or sometimes themself) to believe they have a high opinion of someone.

People respect their loved ones as people they have strong feelings for could use their feelings to hurt them. People respect those with authority over them as they are afraid of that authority being used against them.

To respect is one way of defining the feelings and behaviour caused by the pecking order in society: People respect their betters as they dont want to admit their own failings or are afraid that if they express their dislike for those better than them it would be seen as a challenge.

2) An attempt to gain the favor of others by showing empathy or understanding of other peoples views and feelings - commonly used in arguments to portray a superior knowledge of the issue in question.
1) I respect my girl (cos I'm scared she'll leave me)

I respect myself (It's better than saying I hate myself)

Give me some respect (Fear what I can do to you)

2) I respect your opinion (But mines still right)
by Yaoigirlproxy January 22, 2005
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A word that means to be kind or be polite to most people. Sadly, this word doesn't get noticed. A very rare occurance of today.
Bobby respected everyone and anywhere. No one cared or noticed his politeness
by Robloxtiddes March 22, 2017
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Respect is earned and given the same way received.
Actions reflect actions of leadership. Got to give respect in order to receive it.
by La mousie December 21, 2016
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