A boy, usually a teenager or young adult, that fucks and/or dates every possible girl that he can. If a girl is a player, she is usually referred to as a whore.
Crystal loves how hot Jeremy looks in basketball shorts, but she would never date him because he's such a player.
by XxRevolutionaryxX August 23, 2010
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A boy who goes from girl to girl has brown hair, brown eyes, braces, freckles, and weird looking hair. His name starts with a c (chase). And you really now that they are a player when there snap chat name is @stealurgirly
Chase is such a player ong
Player is equivalent to chase
by lookin ratchet November 22, 2019
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A disgusting jerk (most likely a person that plays sports) that uses girls for their body and leaves them the next day.
“I wouldn’t talk to him. He’s a player
by mrs.sprouse November 9, 2021
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Someone who doesn't care about other peoples feelings and uses then for fun. Jumps from guy to guy kinda like an Ariah. But ya know.
"I like her"
"NAH man she a player"&
by Pixxa stix May 26, 2019
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Deff. Of "Player" or more commonly known as a whore.

Somebody who doesn't know them meaning of morals. Often times manipulative. Has never thought of anybody else's feelings besides their own. Has no heart. Can end a five year relationship and not even get upset. Has a thing for baseball boys. Heartless. Fcking ignorant. Rude. Liar. Considerably good looking. Big ole douche. Has no friends of their same gender. Is an avid instagram creeper. Leaves boyfriend of five years for an older baseball boy.
by Truth hurts bitch September 29, 2014
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Not everyone is young. Past a certain age, people, particularly men, start to be dead. Which leaves the women who had been their wives and who are not dead, alone. These women have grandchildren, a house, and a life insurance settlement from their late husband.

The more realistic ones realize that 'until death do us part' and white picket fences are for starting families. And that they already had a family, which has grown up and moved away and one of them, died. And that they are not going to start another. They still have the picket fence and the house behind it and do not need another. So 'until death do us part' leaves their agenda.

A gentleman of the same age who has the good fortune to be alive and the good sense not to be interested in young chickies with whom he has nothing in common, will be able to please any number of these ladies and himself regularly.

He is a player. If he is interested in these ladies for their money, he is neither a gentleman nor a player. He is a cad. cf. convict, anal rape victim, extraditee, applicant for Swiss citizenship, et alia. One does not need to own a beach house. It suffices to spend weekends at hers.

He omits to mention any of these ladies to any other of them, not because he imagines any of them to be such dunces as not to know, but for reasons of good taste and decorum.
Trevor loved taking Mrs. Dalrymple up the coast of a weekend in his Jaguar. It made them both feel that he was not so much a player as a gallant that he paid for everything, as though that were anything but a gesture to so wealthy a woman as Mrs. Dalrymple. Or was it Mrs. Fosgate whom he had tucked it to four times over the weekend. Or perhaps Mrs. Armbruster? They all looked so very much alike in the dark. Trevor, who was C of E and thus naturally an atheist, nevertheless devoutly worshipped cialis.
by Haulroad June 21, 2010
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