Spoken lyrically and with an emphasis on the 2nd 'now' i.e Dow-now-noooooowwwwwwww, this is used when someone is being a stupid fucking nob head. The person it is directed at is unaware that you are using an alternative method of implicating that they are, in fact, a complete fucking tool of the highest order.
1. Two collegues, who are familiar with terminology, are in a meeting with co-workers. One of the co-workers is speaking and is talking shit. Enter...

2. John "I'm the best at snurgling rumpter boxes"
Richard "Dow now now"
by Bl@kes March 20, 2007
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another one of the phrases that the precog Agatha says from the movie "Minority Report". Its like, dude, what other time is it gonna be except now???
Is it now?

No, you big doofus, it's later.
by El_Scorcho September 5, 2003
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Someone who doesn't know what a two way is.
Boy 1: "What's a two way?"
Boy 2: "You're such a nowing..."
by Better Amy May 8, 2008
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What you say when you didn't think it could get any worse and then it did.
"I can't believe I'm stuck in traffic! First the line at the store, now this..."
by werallsonsofbitches March 7, 2010
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by Krkič January 14, 2023
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