
A beautiful woman who cares deeply for her children and family. A women above and beyond expectations who makes sacrifices for herself in order to provide for others. She is a lover, not a fighter, and wants the world to be peaceful and loving. She is beautiful internally as well as externally and will always be the one true friend in your life.
Do you know AGATHA?
Yes I do, she is a wonderful person.
by themotherofall July 27, 2010
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fucking awesome. constantly geeking out over something new every week, its cute though.
wow agatha is so cool
yeah, she really is
by chanslaptop December 8, 2020
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A very friendly person that enjoys the simple things in life; a gamer, a cook, a great babysitter, and dislikes questions. Why would they have a reason to do something? They just do it for themselves. A no life that plays Roblox, and pretty much is a geek.
That geek, Agatha, though.
by agatha0926 November 28, 2017
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Good person when she’s around the right people. Which isn’t usually the person she thinks it is. She’s sometimes a bit to much of a follower. She needs to know this so she can go fly on her own with people who ACTUALLY support her and sometimes that’s not the person whose pretending they are. The right person usually suggests other things to them but it’s still super supportive. She’s usually blonde so girl mix it up and dump ur fake other blonde bestie and switch her to a brunette
Agatha: oh wow bestie I should do that too.

Bestie: yea it’s like totally coolhairflip

Who should her bestie: girl just because I do it doesn’t mean u have to. I will respect u either way
by Thisgirlhonest September 9, 2020
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Agatha is a very strange sort of person. She acts innocent and normal but once you are close to her, she will show you her crazy side. She is very very fun to be around cause of her weird sense of humour. She is that type of person who needs to be perfect at all times. She seems sarcastically rude most of the time but she's actually very kind and caring towards the people she loves.
by Hyllici. P November 23, 2021
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A girl who's funnier than unicorn rainbow farts.
by lemon69canthandleme April 24, 2022
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Pewdiepie Fanduckgirluy: OMG Pewds is such an Agatha
by CaRdMaStEr33 May 13, 2015
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