A beautiful country in the South Pacific, approximately 2200kms South-east of the East coast of Australia. Population: 4 million (as of April 28th, 2003).

Advantages: Strong democracy under a proportional voting system; it's not Australia; moderate climate - neither too hot, nor too cold. Beautiful young women and handsome blokes in abundance: healthy indoors / outdoors lifestyle year-round.

Disadvantages: Only 2200kms from Australia.
You can't go to heaven until you've checked out New Zealand first.
by Steve May 8, 2003
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The bomb diggity... Home of L&P, V, the Buzzy Bee, Footrot Flats, Jandals, Pavlova, Tip Top ice cream, Fish and Chips, Maketu Pies, Swandris, Paua Shell jewellery, the Silver Fern, beautiful scenery, gazillions of Sheep, Peter Jackson, LOTR, and all the best sportspeople and musicians.

Because of this, a lot of jealous Aussie bastards have claimed 'ownership' of true-blue Kiwi icons, such as Uncle Pete and the Pav.
Aussie: "NZ sucks"
NZer: "What would you know, you kangaroo-fucking outback drongo"
by KeeWee January 11, 2005
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A country made up of two large islands located in the South Pacific. The only question is: Where is the old Zealand?
"I love New Zealand!"
by star8706 September 28, 2003
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A girl who is far too sexy to be picked up without a foreign accent. In this case a New Zealand (or Austrailian) accent is required. Once the bomb is dropped she proceeds to allow the accent sporting gentleman to do anything they want to her, including fingering her to orgasm on the dancefloor.
"yo, sean, i got this crazy ass story for you...." (story preceeds to descibe New Zealand)
by Ben Galbraith January 9, 2006
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Safest Western Nation in the world to live in.
with all the shit going on in the world today, sometimes i just wanna go live in New Zealand
by James_42 August 2, 2005
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country with a lot of hills, sheep, fruit, and a ridiculously small military.
eventually i plan to go to new zealand and drive around on curvy roads on pocket bikes.
by teevee June 9, 2003
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woah... new zealand is a great country! heaps of aussies love new zealand i don't know why people think we hate new zealand i think it is a beautiful country. infact, i have actually never come accross a person in australia who has shown hatred towards nz. actually, more people in new zealand have a hatred towards australia because they think we have a hatred towards new zealand.

so chill out dude! you would be lucky to come accross someone who disliked nz. i think nz rocks.
Heaps of polls have been done about australias favourite country and heres one with the results:

New zealand (93%)
England (4%)
France (2%)
Japan (0.8%)
America (0.2%)
by sarah-3-2321 June 11, 2006
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