47 definitions by star8706

1. A major noncommercial television network in the United States.
2. What you watch when nothing else is on.
"I watched this show about spiders on PBS last night."
by star8706 February 2, 2003
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Warner Brothers

A TV network, and movie company.
by star8706 July 24, 2003
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Automated Teller Machine. A device used to get money out of your saving account.
"I'm going to stop at the ATM."
by star8706 February 2, 2003
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1. A food item available at McDonalds, made of an unknown substance produced by "modern technology."

2. Asbestos singles
by star8706 February 2, 2003
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1. A potable chemical used to make it's drinker look like an idiot in public.
"I had WAY too much alcohol last night."
by star8706 February 2, 2003
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"You were invited, so BYOB!"
by star8706 February 2, 2003
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Bring Your On Butt. You were invited, so get your butt here!
by star8706 February 2, 2003
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