21 definitions by KeeWee

Meaning 'Dirty'

It sounds stupid. Sean Paul says it
Sean Paul: "Dutty Yea, Dutty Yo, Dutty Yea"
by KeeWee January 12, 2005
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Two meanings, which completely contradict each other. Can be quite confusing for people who live in opposite hemispheres.

1. Something that is cool, hot or awesome.
2. Something that is stupid, dumb or emabarassing.
1. "Check out that guy's rude car! Yeahhhh!"

2a: "Dude, that t-shirt of yours is so rude!"

2b: "Shame bro, you had to be dropped off at school in your Dad's rude car!"
by KeeWee January 12, 2005
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1: A place where a small group of elite people go, and scheme some diabolical schemes.

2: A spell that opens the entrance to a secret passage to Hogsmeade in Harry Potter.
"I love Dissendium. It's my second home"
by KeeWee January 12, 2005
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A place where Albert's age is a mystery.
Most people would say Albert is between the ages of 25 and 35, but we may never know for sure.
by KeeWee January 15, 2005
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A New Zealand chain store, somewhat of an icon. Also known as the 'Red Shed'

The catch-phrase is "Where everyone gets a bargain." Maybe not in every case... but you can find some pretty good cheap stuff.

The price of EVERYTHING instore ends in '99' for some straaange reason.
"Lets go to The Warehouse... they're having a $5.99 clothing clearance sale"
by KeeWee January 12, 2005
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Abbreviation for Lifestyle Block. This is the unique name that New Zealanders give to blocks of land of 2 or more acres. They are becoming increasingly popular with city-dwellers looking to 'ditch the neighbours' and move to the country.
I'm so sick of the city, it's about time I got myself an LSB.
by KeeWee April 21, 2006
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1. A pretty flower.
2. The town bike. Everyone's ridden her.
3. An awful, selfish, old witch of a Grandmother.
1. "My useless boyfriend better buy me a bunch of roses"

2. "Rose is that 18 year-old ho with 3 kids, right?"

3. "Who's Rose? I don't have a Grandmother called Rose"
by KeeWee January 12, 2005
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