21 definitions by KeeWee


A NZ energy drink, which is the same colour as cat piss, and has an indescribable taste. It's definately an accquired taste.

It sends guarana or caffiene sensitive people off their heads for hours.
Dude 1: "What have you got?"
Dude 2: "It's V, wanna try some?"
Dude 1: "Sure"

<dude 1 ends up laughing for 3 hours>
by KeeWee January 12, 2005
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A Kiwi soft drink. Stands for "Lemon and Paeroa" - Paeora being a small Waikato town where the drink was concieved many moons ago, from pure spring water and Lemon flavouring.

While not made that way anymore, it still tastes awesome.
Dion: "You like that? I think it smell like Lemongrass"
Me: "Shut up Dion"
by KeeWee January 11, 2005
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The coolest P2P file-sharing program around. It's the best way to steal music.

Some WinMX users are bastards though, and disconnect you for no good reason.
Person 1: "Fuck Kazaa, now my PC is full of spyware"
Person 2: "Dude, get WinMX"
by KeeWee January 11, 2005
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A NZ beach-side resort town on the Coromandel Peninsula, around 140km from Auckland. A very nice place to holiday, but with an abundance of supremely rich and snobby people - who walk around with their noses in the air, and own $3 million holiday homes which they only stay in for 2 weeks a year.
Person 1: "I'm going to Pauanui this weekend"
Person 2: "Sure dude, sure..."
by KeeWee January 12, 2005
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Meaning 'Dirty'

It sounds stupid. Sean Paul says it
Sean Paul: "Dutty Yea, Dutty Yo, Dutty Yea"
by KeeWee January 12, 2005
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K Road

K Road, a.k.a Karangahape Road: The place to go if you're in need of some desperate pleasure from a filthy whore.

Much like Great South Road at Hunters Corner. Where you need to keep your car doors locked if driving through the area around 2-3am... they'll try and jump in with you.
Sam: "Where's Richie tonight?"
Cameron: "I hear he's gone down to K Road. That's the only way that ugly mutha is ever gonna get laid"
by KeeWee January 15, 2005
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New Zealand

The bomb diggity... Home of L&P, V, the Buzzy Bee, Footrot Flats, Jandals, Pavlova, Tip Top ice cream, Fish and Chips, Maketu Pies, Swandris, Paua Shell jewellery, the Silver Fern, beautiful scenery, gazillions of Sheep, Peter Jackson, LOTR, and all the best sportspeople and musicians.

Because of this, a lot of jealous Aussie bastards have claimed 'ownership' of true-blue Kiwi icons, such as Uncle Pete and the Pav.
Aussie: "NZ sucks"
NZer: "What would you know, you kangaroo-fucking outback drongo"
by KeeWee January 11, 2005
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