A NFT i a racial slur that targets black people, it dates back to 1826.
NFT means Ni**ers for trade.
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an acronym meaning "Naked FaceTime". When two people, possessing video-chat-compatible smartphones, have a FaceTime phone call while naked. Can also be expanded to "NFTIB", meaning "Naked FaceTime In Bed".
Girl: I'd love to, but i'm going back to Europe tomorrow.
Guy: That's cool I guess. NFT me.
by 1 Studly Muffin December 8, 2010
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Non-fungible token.

An irreplaceable award, often described in the music industry to label a physical trophy distributed by an artist to one lucky winner.

Non-fungible”, meaning unique and one-of-a-kind. “Token”, as in an award or trophy

Not all NFTs are free or involved in a giveaway. An NFT may be used in a raffle or bidding. However, the highest bid nor total raffle amount determines the value of the NFT. After all, it is meant to be the only existing one of its kind.
Person 1: Yo, my favorite artist is dropping an NFT. We should enter to win.
Person 2: If I don’t need to pay to enter then I’m down, let’s win this!
by MasonMUS March 30, 2021
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Short for non-fungible token.

It's mostly just an ugly worthless digital product that people buy and sell. They can be worth from $1 to more than $1000 and all you do with them is flex and nothing else. They're usually something in-game or a PNG. Sellers hate them being screenshot.

An example of an NFT is the Doge.
Jude: Look guys, I just bought an NFT costing $5,000!
Everybody: WHOO CARES
by Sapphire_WasTaken December 18, 2021
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Pictures of things that virgins sell

Often it’s a photo of a monkey that seems to be on life support, Or a few pixels or different colours
Let’s go launder our money through NFT
by MetalDog616 January 20, 2022
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Non-Fuckable Token. It is guaranteed you will never get fucked if you buy an NFT.
Austin: "What's an NFT, could somebody tell me?"
Hasan: "NFT. It's a Non-Fuckable Token. You'll never get fucked if you buy an NFT."
by DaisyTheCatgirl January 25, 2022
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