A mexican and el salvadorian sur name. Usually people who are very money hungry and determined to make it at whatever costs!
___ Morales divorced his wife because she took a dollar from his wallet.

Now is sueing her for palimony!
by Jay Morales July 22, 2008
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1. What society or a group or commune or school etc enforces on you to do as you're told, fuck it!
2. A commonly misunderstood concept, morals are right conduct, they're rejecting what everyone else thinks is wrong, they're not: obedience, evil or other blameworthy actions, or ignoble conduct, not to be confused with politeness, manners or etiquette which are what arselickers do to get favours from others, it's a load of bullshit.
thief: let's steal some shit.
moral person: I can't steal, it's against my morals.
Thief does the stealing himself.
by badmouth May 1, 2015
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Morally gray is a character who does too much bad to be a good character, yet too much good to be a bad character. A character who is in between good and bad.
Robin Hood is a Morally Gray character, he steals but he also gives to the poor!
by Pen Name = Pseudonym December 25, 2018
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A claymation cartoon that aired on Adult Swim from 2005-2008. It follows the antics of Orel, a young Christian boy who takes life lessons a little too seriously, often resulting in catastrophe. Initially a black comedy, it eventually becomes a lot darker and emotional as the show goes on. Basically, it can be described as what would happen if Leave it to Beaver and South Park had a child, but then they got a divorce and Leave it to Beaver remarried Evangelion.
Moral Orel is such a good show, it's a shame Adult Swim cancelled it halfway through the third season.
by poopie69 November 16, 2020
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Not adhering to a certain set of principles, instead morally adapting to the situation at hand.
"When Mary was wealthy, she was against theft, but now that she's poor, she is a thief. I guess she is morally flexible."
by Catherder March 1, 2017
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"Wheel of Morality, turn, turn, turn. Tell us the lesson that we should learn.
by DesPERRYado April 21, 2005
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