n. any of a species of greasy-haired, pedophilic co-worker who invents stories about a fictitious life, makes jokes so bad your eyes run, and is generally incompetent, but suspiciously still employed.
"That guy brought down the entire development server for the third time today and now he's having lunch with the boss. He must be a real moop!"
by moop_go_boom March 25, 2010
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to be a total fool in love for someone, disregarding all common sense because you are overwhelmed with adoration for this person
"I'm a complete moop for ______. It's embarrassing."

Person 1: Hey, what's up? You look . . . I dunno . . . distracted or sad or something.
Person 2: Oh I'm just mooping over ______. S/he has me spinning around in circles in my head and I can't even think.

"I can't believe I mooped over ____!! S/he is such an asswipe!"
by grace-diggety August 12, 2019
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To Moop is to Boop someone's nose with such strength and power that you"Mooped" their nose off.
Dude: Hey!
by Adelaide Warburton September 11, 2019
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A moop is a facial expression; usually felt when near bored-to-death experiences happen.
He mooped at the thought.
by KBJMmcmx, dns, March 10, 2022
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Moop is super amazing super nice moop is the best I’m soooo lucky that I Misaki am in the same discord server as moop.
Person 1: Have you heard about Moop?
Person 2: Yeah! There super cool and amazing!
by Misakiii February 24, 2022
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(n) The sound that one makes when they sit around all bored like and say "moop."

(v) to moop -- The act of sitting around not doing anything but twiddling ones thumbs and making the sound "moop."
Gary sat at his computer screen and having reached the end of the internet with there being no more exciting websites to read, started twiddling his thumbs and saying "moop."
by insinternets December 5, 2008
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