In skateboarding, someone who pushes along with there front foot.
Ha! Look at that pathetic kid skatin' mongo!
by Anna July 15, 2004
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a philly word meaning
an asshole
an idiot
a moron
or a dumbass
"dude stop acting like a mongo" or "you're such a mongo."
by supah fly samm February 2, 2008
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"Leave Timmy alone, he's not a mongo he's special!"
by Phallic Slime August 23, 2009
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meaning a lot, a bunch, very, mega and such, large.
I took a mongo fast shower;
I had a mongo long day;
Prom was mongo boring yo.
by Liefde March 15, 2009
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a skate stance in which the person pushes either goofy to ride regular or pushed regular to ride goofy.
skating stances
goofy: right foot stays on while the left foot pushed and you face the left as you ride.
regular: the exact opposite of goofy.
skater1: "dylan pushes mongo"
skater2: "yea i know, theres no point to it."
by EnjoiSkater7594 July 11, 2008
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hey dogg this one biatch iwent out with had some titanic MONGOS!!!!!11
by david December 8, 2003
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