(1) Hittin the bowl first- Being the first to smoke the weed!
Joey, it's your weed, so you can have mondays.
by Schriar July 16, 2006
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another word for niggas because nobody likes mondays
you fuckin monday
i fuckin hate mondays
by #johnD**** February 7, 2008
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Everbody hates Mondays
by 1230456789 July 16, 2010
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A word to describe a black person or african american. It's used as a code word
I'm dating a Monday


I wish I could dance like a Monday
by Beccs June 21, 2007
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Racist: Look at those lazy mondays.
Guy: What?
Racist: Those fuckin mondays over there.
Guy: Wtf is a monday?
Racist: A nigger.
Guy: Why do you call them mondays?
Racist: Cause everyone hates mondays...
by powersurge September 17, 2012
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Yet another term to define African-American people. Far, far less offensive than the "N" word and can be used much more dicreetly.
Holy shit this bar is filled with Monday's!! Let's get the fuck out of here.

Park City,UT has got to have the least amount Monday's per square mile
by Mr. Richard Smoker March 24, 2008
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A term for black people because no one likes Mondays
"Fucking Mondays, the worst thing God ever created"
by Matticus Prime August 10, 2007
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