Q: Yo, you heard the new "welcome to the heights" album @ minusp.com ?
A: Yeh man that was flames
by Secret October 21, 2004
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Donald Trump

A nickname coined by Pete Souza, the former White House photographer who posts photos on his Instagram during the years when Obama was in office as a way to throw shade at Donald Trump whether it's a bad policy move or if he said something dumb
I’m sorry but if comrade minus can bring it up again, so can I: a different kind of Witch Hunt during the Obama administration. - Pete Souza, the text from a photo posted of Obama greeting trick-or-treaters dressed as witches.
by Soul_Driver October 26, 2019
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if you never heard of minus 8 probably should check phub
guy 1 : just fapped to leah marsh on the hub

guy 2 :fapped but i did it to minus 8
by reddit is basically pornhub January 26, 2021
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Someone who is a dick or asshole, but you are in mixed company and cannot use those words. Created to use infront of children that are not "of age"
Dan: I'm gonna rape you in this game!
Katie: God, your such a D-Minus
by peanutbuttersmack May 19, 2009
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A reference to one or more person forfitting or being anti-social from a social event.

Being a fruit and talking about irrelevant information rather than having banter.
Cheers for leaving me lads, you left me with minus craic; Harry and Steve.
by BigTammFTW April 5, 2011
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Similar to the imaginary and often sought after "dislike" button on facebook, "minus 1" or "-1" is a way for a user of Google+ to express dislike for an item in the social networking service. Due to the fact that there is no "-1" button to counter Google+'s "+1" button, this contempt is usually expressed in the form of a written comment on someone's post or status.
Person 1 posts: The new hugemongous size cup at the coffee shop is totes the best!

Person 2 comments: minus 1
by mysterybaer July 12, 2011
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less than full cuddling. Essentiallly, partial cuddling with no full attention by the cuddler and/or cuddlee. Example: Cuddler is spooning the cuddlee however the cuddler is also checking Facebook, email, youtube videos, surfing the internet while doing so. Cuddlee can be napping, half awake, and also doing cuddle minus as well. LOL
I want to cuddle with you, but I also need to check email cuz I don't have time. Can we do cuddle minus? Cuddle minus is better than no cuddle at all :)
by One eye doc July 11, 2014
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