"I feel too embarrassed to be fixing up my yard, I'll just pay a Mexican to do it."
by HolyToiletWater July 16, 2012
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Mexicans that snitch on the smallist things
Friend 1: I was slap boxing in the bathroom

Friend 2: Im telling on you

Friend 1: Man stop being such a mexican
by Doommarket54 April 20, 2022
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1.People who were born in Mexico or have Hispanic heritage from mexico. They will often sell drugs and rape there "loved ones". Only some of them are good. Also many of them don't like Mexico so they choose to cross the border were the term illegal immigrant comes from. SO someone in your class or neighborhood may be a drug trafficker or not an US citizen. BE CAREFUL!!!!

2. Describing something from Mexico
1. My friend is Mexican

2. I love these Mexican tacos
by hungryChicken May 20, 2019
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language spoken by a large majority of Latino peoples. Also known as Spanish
by Little Antonio April 15, 2010
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Someone from Mexico.

Awesome, Kicks your Ass, kicking your ass, and has a better tan than you do.
Hey, look over there, that dude has a nice tan.

No stup, hes just Mexican.
by lllllllllw August 31, 2011
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Guy1: Do you think Adam is Indian or Mexican?
Guy2: I think he’s a Mexican
by Vaseline on toast May 30, 2019
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A Mexican person born in Mexico who now lives in America. Not Mexican American
Maria was married to a Mexican Mexican who had another wife and family in Mexico.
by ms42O February 20, 2015
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