a female sexual partner who does not physically particapate much in the act of sex. Basically, just lays there like a log
Q: was she good in bed?
A: nah, she was a log
by Stan April 4, 2005
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Outward pursuit of a similar calibre to Planking but undertaken by fat people.
'Dude look at that fat chick lying down, it's like she's logging'
by mattai September 12, 2011
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To beat your partner to death with your penis.
Sally: what the hell are you gonna do for our 50th anniversary
Matt: some good logging
He then beats her to death with his dick
by righteousconsumption October 20, 2014
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The act of laying in bed and sleeping for hours and days on end.
Zach, what are your plans for break?”

Not much, probably just logging”.
by Daddyzgurl January 12, 2020
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When a guy's penis is so long that it drags across the ground when he jogs.
Black Guy: Yo mon, I be totally "Logging" dis mornin'.
by MoFo94 February 6, 2010
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When Russian ladies feel lonely, they do a massive shite, freeze it and at times of need, use it as a dildo, according to Manchipp.
So there I was, chillin with my hot Ruski Mama when all of a sudden and with no suggestion for me, she goes to the freezer and drags out this 13 inch shit and starts to masturdate using it. So obviously I said "what the hell are you doing" and she said, "Logging, it's all the range here in Russia" (but in Russian clearly, as she was russian)
by stretch June 6, 2003
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Logging (also known as Facebook logging) is when someone logs into someone's open Facebook account and fucks with their settings or just their Facebook statuses. This term is prefered over the term "hacking" sense there is no actual hacking involved and only stupid 12 years old girls actually still call it hacking.
Girl on boy's Facebook account: Haha hacked u love u
Friend of boy's account comments: You didn't hack him you stupid bitch you were just logging him.
by StoneTown August 29, 2012
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