The worst excuse for an actor that has ever disgraced the screen. Can also be used to describe especially ugly or repulsive individuals
1.Hey did you see that new movie that actor was a total Shia Labeouf

2. ewww never speak to me again you Shia Labeouf
by sizzlemizzle March 1, 2008
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Oh baby, oh baby! Let's make some edible bikinis now come on! Now doesn't that taste good.
Shia Shaide LaBeouf is a hottie. LOL
by Laurie "Loveable Laurie Baby" October 13, 2003
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Just the gayest name for a man, ever. It even beats Wayne LaPierre.
guy #1: Is that guy straight?

guy#2: I dunno, what's his name?

guy#1: Shia Labeouf.

guy#2: Queen.
by DrHiz August 12, 2003
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He is a living proof that jealous men exist. So many slutty boys his age are so jealous of him because of his success and good looks.

He is also hated so much by the dudes because they hate how popular he's become and how many sexy girls he's kissed onscreen.

Just like how Angelina Jolie is amongst girls, he is that amongst the guys; who hate him because he's hot and they bring up excuses like "come on, he's goofy looking", "average" or "he is ugly". He's one of the few guy actor that gets those attacks, which proves that he is hot, a rare gem in Hollywood, that makes so many men envy his looks.

Even Spielberg and Bay have some sort of a fetish of him.
Jealous guy: Not Shia LaBeouf again, I can't stand looking at his ugly face.

Normal guy: What, do you want a guy you find attractive instead? You gay or what?

Jealous: Uh...what...uh...ahem
by jealousymurders April 26, 2011
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Yesterday u said tomorrow, so JUST DO IT MAKE UR DREAMS COME TRUEEE Like Shia LaBeouf
by Vegito 6 God November 23, 2015
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Used when you or someone unintentionally stalks a person or persons, of any gender or race. Usually done when a person or persons exhibit great skill in completion of a task or ware. Most commonly A one time occurrence.
Luke: Yo man! Did you see that guy shovel that snow in that big-ass tractor!?
John: Yeah man! I was totally Shia LaBeoufing him!
by sonic3ze December 7, 2014
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