When one places an item on their doorknob to let others know that coitus is going on within.
Tim knobbed the door so we should probably leave him alone.
by speaks4geeks November 2, 2011
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The turny thing on a door or oven although commonly mistaken for the penis
Person 1) To turn the oven on turn the knob
Person 2) Grabs penis and twists it.
by CloudZephyr October 16, 2012
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a dick, wang, or another such name for "penis"
Your knob is looking like ground chuck after that 24-hour marathon.
by bm February 18, 2004
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A person whose opinion of themself is decidely higher than actuality.
"See the frat boy over there? Total knob."
by zosiablue February 20, 2004
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